Saturday, March 17, 2012

Spring Break has sadly come to its end... :(

Well the title says it. :( Spring Break is almost over. :( And how many videos have I uploaded? Zero. D: I actually did have 2 stopmotions planned to upload, but imovie, *sarcasm* my best friend, refuses to export my videos. D: I've freed up as much memory as possible, but every time I try to export, imovie says "Not enough sharing memory. Quit imovie and relaunch it.". I try to do what it says, but it just results in the same thing. THIS IS SO FLIPPING REVOLTING!!! D:<<<< So I'm sorry for my lack of videos. :/ I also had a video planned for my human account, AllaboutElvi. Btw, it would be lovely to have you subscribe to that. ;) Unfortunately, imovie refuses to export that too. :/ And since Spring Break is almost over, I won't have time to upload those videos. Especially since imovie is being so bratty. And since imovie is being so bratty, it will result in less motivation to keep trying to upload those videos and edit new ones. And without motivation to edit, I won't have many videos up. And that will result in even less videos. And that will mean I won't be able to make my New Year's Resolution happen. !@#$%^&*&^%$#@!!! THANKS ALOT, IMOVIE!!! D:<<<< 

Well, I'm done throwing my cyber-tantrum and ready to be productive. ;D And I'll keep trying to get those videos up. :D Don't worry. :) Talk again soon. ;) Thanks for being kind enough to actually read my rant. :D Have a great day! :) Bye! :D 
