Wednesday, December 28, 2011

5 Billionth Trip to Dallas ;D

Hey guys! :) Just saying that I'm going to Dallas again for like the 5 billionth time! XD So I'll probably get some new ag stuff! YAY! ;D If you happen to go on Friday December 30th then maybe I'll see you. Okay, I gotta finish packing. It's 11:10 here. Nighty-night! ;)

Monday, December 26, 2011


So I've finished filming my annual-all-stopmotion-Christmas-movie so YAY! Less stress for Elvi. It took like almost 3,000 pictures! DX But I did it in only 4 days which is WAY better than last year's 2 weeks. :D (phew) But Christmas was yesterday (Merry (late) Christmas, btw ;D) and I was busy, so I wasn't able to edit till like 9 pm. D: And then imovie decided to be a big pain in the bottom and imported like 12 pictures in 4 minutes when usually it only took 12 seconds. That's like 20 seconds per picture which is WAY too long! I've only cropped and timed like 3 minutes of the whole 10 minute thing and that took 2 hours because of imovie's slowness! D: I really wanted to upload yesterday, but it was just sooooooo late and, so finally, I just resorted to editing & uploading today. Now please don't be mad. We were WAY closer on schedule than last year, so that's a plus. :) I just wish I could change that date on youtube. DX Oh well! XD Again, Merry (late) Christmas and happy Boxing day for the Canadians. XD

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Christmas Break! :D

Hey guys! :) I'm just informing you all that I am on my winter break! :) And that means??? MORE VIDEOS! :D I'm working on my all stopmotion Christmas minimovie. :) And I'm editing a stopmotion & music video currently. So YAY! :D Oh and hopefully I can get 1,000 subscribers by my birthday (New Years) or even better CHRISTMAS! :D Christmas is December 25th for those of you who don't celebrate. :) Okay! Bye!

Thursday, December 1, 2011

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas...

EEP! :D Christmas is coming soon. I rearranged my room and ended up have a HUGE (Okay, not like "half-of-my-room-huge" or anything but "more-than-it-used-to-huge". XD)  amount of extra space for my doll room! :D So I rearranged it up and now it's not all scrunched up. And it looks more practical. AND it has enough space to accommodate a doll Christmas tree (Without a whole lot of moving furniture like last year -___-). :D This weekend, I'll probably make a room tour explaining everything AND a stopmotion of the dolls putting the tree up! Exciting? I hope so! :D It's actually pretty difficult because it's 2-and-a-half feet tall and really heavy and spiky. XD I'll probably end up buying a new one that's smaller though! :) So yeah! :) And today's the first day of December too. 24 more days till Christmas! ;D 

Ugh! Youtube! DX

Currently, Youtube has been undergoing some changes. Why you ask? Frankly, I have no clue. I mean SERIOUSLY! After doing a bunch of homework, I just innocently want to go check youtube and BAM! New homepage. After enjoying a wonderful tour of it (I just kept exiting out XD), I went to my channel. BAM! It's all NEW! Another well appreciated tour. -___- Luckily, when I clicked edit channel, right at the top it says "change back to old channel" and I sighed of relief. Now if you're wondering what I did next, here's my answer: NO DUH! I PRESSED THE BUTTON. XD I went to my homepage, but sadly did not see a "change-me-back-to-the-old-homepage-so-that-way-Elvi-can-go-enjoy-the-rest-of-her-day" button. I've never thrown anything farther. JK! XD But, Youtube, if your reading this (which you can't because you're an inanimate object DX) PLEASE change back. PLEASE!